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Protecting Your Roof: Common Causes of Roof Damage

Metal roofing paints a pretty picture, gleaming under the sun’s glare, but it’s also prone to damage due to reasons that may or may not be natural. Understanding the common causes of roof damage is something you must do before ordering metal roofing in Chapel, NC.

This blog will explore the primary suspects of metal roofing damage.

Installation Mistakes

One of the main reasons homeowners and construction companies hire professional metal roofing installers is that the installation process has much room for error.

Below are the installation mistakes that may cause roof damage sooner rather than later:

  • Inadequate sealing
  • Misaligned panels
  • Unfastened panels
  • Inadequate flashing
  • Incompatible building materials

The after-effects of the above errors don’t make themselves known immediately. They manifest one poor weather event at a time, causing the following:

  • Roof leaks
  • Loose panels
  • Weakened connections

The only way to nip these issues in the bud is to recruit metal roofing services whose track record ensures industry standard compliance.

Lack of Preventive Maintenance

Those who install metal roofs do so partly because it’s low maintenance, not realizing that ‘low maintenance’ entails some if not much, upkeep and vigilance. Metal roofing services provide routine inspections to help you detect debris and dirt that may cause structural damage.

For instance, trapped moisture could corrode the metal. Similarly, clogged gutters could result in water backup, opening the roof to leaks and water damage. 

You must a) regularly clean your roof with a nonabrasive tool to avoid water, debris, and dirt buildup, and b) invest in biannual roof maintenance services to ensure a job well done.

External Impact

Flying debris and dirt seem relatively harmless when it’s not that windy outside. However, these very pollutants become projectiles during storms and hurricanes. In other words, they develop a propensity to cause roof damage.

Additionally, foot traffic on the metal panes can cause dents, scratches, and other structural damage. While you cannot do much about natural elements, you can limit access to your roof to all but professionals, and only when necessary. They are less likely to wear improper footwear and use the appropriate tools when providing a service.

 The Ultimate Solution: Get the Best Metal Roof Money Can Buy

Did you know that the causes of roof damage start during the manufacturing process? Metal roofing is different across the board; its manufacturing materials differ from roofing company to roofing company.

Since hedging your bets is not an option in this scenario, how about signing up with Gator Metal Roofing’s innovative, customized roofing? We combine a system with added protection and durability with a seamless installation process to bring you the best metal roof in 18 colors!

Contact us for an estimate on your first-ever metal roof in Chapel, NC.

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